Pan de Elote

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Pan de Elote

Cooking time:

  • 40 in total
  • 10 minutes to prep
  • 30 minutes of cooking

Serves: 8-10


  • 500 g corn
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g softened butter
  • 300 gcondensed milk
  • 1/2 Vera Mexicana Vanilla Bean​
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • Dash of salt
  • 150 g flour


Pan de elote is a dish made out of corn that is very popular in many American countries. You will find many different variants of it, according to the country or region that you are visiting. For example, in some South American countries, they make savory versions of cornbread. Different variants of corn are also used depending to make this traditional treat, which makes their taste vary in sweetness.

In Mexico, pan de elote is made as a sweet treat that can be eaten as a dessert or a quick snack. It is also sometimes found in street stands as it is easy and inexpensive to make.


  1. Preheat your oven to 180 C
  2. Add your corn (see authors notes), eggs, softened butter, condensed milk, Vanilla Bean, baking powder and dash of salt into a blender. Blend until smooth and pour mixture into bowl.
  3. Gradually mix your flour into your bowl and stir it in until your mixture becomes uniform.
  4. Transfer mixture onto a previously greased baking mold and place in your preheated oven for around 30 minutes.
  5. Let cool and cut into desired pieces.
  6. Buen provecho!

Author's Notes

You can also reserve some of your corn and mix in some of them to your bowl after mixing in the flour. This will give your cornbread extra texture!